In Depth: What is a Herbst Appliance?
One of the most common problems presented to an orthodontist is the upper teeth being further forward relative to the lower teeth. In most cases, this is the result of the lower jaw being set back relative to the upper jaw, as opposed to the upper jaw being too far out. What can we do to help this?
In Depth: What is Orthognathic Surgery and Would You Benefit From it?
Orthognathic Surgery can correct your occlusion (bite) and change your facial profile. In some cases treatment is planned to improve your bite, with minimal change to your facial appearance, whilst in other cases, there will be more noticeable change to your facial appearance.
In Depth: Effects of CO-CR Discrepancy in Daily Orthodontic Treatment in Planning
Within the dental profession there is a general consensus that treatments that modify the occlusion should be planned in centric relation (CR). Centric relation is defined as musculoskeletal stable position, with the condyles forward, as far upward, centred transversely and with the articular disc interposed properly.
How To: Choose the Best Orthodontist?
Going to the dentist or orthodontist in the old days used to be something you just did because you had to. But nowadays, there’s a wealth of choice out there, and plenty of ready and available to help you get your teeth and smile just the way you want. Where do you start? How do you choose an orthodontist that is right for you?
The Interview: Dr Julian Webber
We interview our friend and colleague, Dr Julian Webber who is a practising endodontist on Harley Street. We find out what he loves about his role, what motivates him and the latest technology in his field.
Climate Change: The Lessons We Can Take into Dentistry
Are we using our wisdom when it comes to our third molars commonly known as our wisdom teeth? Let’s take a look at the bigger picture.
What Stands in Our Way: The Third Molar (Wisdom Teeth)
Are we using our wisdom when it comes to our third molars commonly known as our wisdom teeth? Let’s take a look at the bigger picture.
The Interview: Dr Maria Kalkani
Lower Incisor Extraction: An Alternative Approach
The extraction of a lower incisor in orthodontics is uncommon and, in many instances, can hold a feeling of trepidation. A Kesling analogue setup or digital set-up can be useful in these cases for both the clinician and patient to visualise changes.