In Depth: Effects of CO-CR Discrepancy in Daily Orthodontic Treatment in Planning

Within the dental profession there is a general consensus that treatments that modify the occlusion should be planned in centric relation (CR). Centric relation is defined as musculoskeletal stable position, with the condyles forward, as far upward, centred transversely and with the articular disc interposed properly.

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Education, Health & Lifestyle eLINE Orthodontics Education, Health & Lifestyle eLINE Orthodontics

How To: Choose the Best Orthodontist?

Going to the dentist or orthodontist in the old days used to be something you just did because you had to. But nowadays, there’s a wealth of choice out there, and plenty of ready and available to help you get your teeth and smile just the way you want. Where do you start? How do you choose an orthodontist that is right for you?

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Health & Lifestyle, Education eLINE Orthodontics Health & Lifestyle, Education eLINE Orthodontics