Lower Incisor Extraction Case
A 32-year-old female with skeletal 2 high mandibular plane angle base and class 1 dental malocclusion with moderate upper and severe lower crowding. There was posterior crowding evident with the displaced and rolling in of the second molars. Narrow arches, especially in the posterior quadrants. Uneven smile aesthetics. Stable temporomandibular joints.
The Treatment
e-LINE developed a 24-month treatment plan:
Upper and lower labial fixed appliances
Extraction of LR1 and all wisdom teeth
Interproximal reduction in the upper labial segment
Retention fixed and Essix retainers (indefinite)
The Results
We achieved a good result for this patient with good natural smile aesthetics
There was no development of ‘black triangles’ or recession
The wisdom teeth removal was mandatory for up righting of the second molars.
There have been minimal profile changes
Learning Points
Lower incisor extraction is a credible alternative extraction pattern in certain cases
A diagnostic set-up pre-treatment is an extremely valuable diagnostic tool
The wisdom teeth may need to be removed (even if not causing any pain) early in cases where
posterior molar up righting is required